"Is the Great American Teacher Dead" TESOL 103
“Is the Great American Teacher Dead?” This question was posed in a paper by Professor John J. Ivers at Brigham Young University Idaho. My initial answer is I certainly hope not! We need great teachers. In my own experiences, I have had great and not so great teachers. The great ones have stayed with me, along with what they taught. The not so great teachers have faded into oblivion and are lost to my recollection. I would like to share what the great ones did that was passionate, positive, inspiring, inviting, meaningful, and transformative. They helped me address problems and shift the paradigms of my thinking while also helping to build my confidence in learning. Fifth grade will always be the year to remember Mrs. Morrill. This kind woman loved to teach and she loved being a citizen of the United States of America. She helped implant in each of us a love of country and a deep sense of patriotism. The joke among the st...